Federal Constitutional Court – judgement of 13th December 2000 – 1 BvR 335/97 1 BvR 335/971. § 25 of the Federal Lawyers’ Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung – BRAO) is inconsistent with Art. 12 Sec. 1 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (Grundgesetz – GG). This provision applies to existing admissions until 30th June 2002. Starting on 1st January 2002, lawyers who until then have been solely admitted to the Regional Court of Appeal can also apply for admission to local courts and regional courts of the first instance proper for the seat of their law office. 2. Effective as of 1st July 2002, § 226 (2) of the Federal Lawyers’ Act is invalid with respect to the limitation of states listed there. |