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Attorney-at-Law Michael Horak, graduate engineer (Electrical Engineering), LL.M. (European Law)







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>Start >Overview >Sample Texts

>Forms and Sample Agreements
>Contractual Clauses

Sample agreements and contractual clauses (with explanations)

Sample agreements cannot replace agreements drafted by an attorney at law. Therefore the following sample agreements and clauses are not meant to be applied to particular cases. We cannot offer any guarantee for the completeness, correctness or even up-to-dateness of the following contracts. Their legal framework (including laws, adjudication, etc.) undergoes changes – only an agreement drafted by an attorney at law is certain to include them.

The following sample texts are meant rather to provide general orientation in the matter:

If you wish to add a particular agreement or clause to our collection, do not hesitate to send them to us. We are looking forward to your suggestions.



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© 1998-2008 IP Attorney at law Michael Horak· Roscherstrasse 12 · 30161 Hannover · Germany
Fon: +49.511.590910.20
· Fax: +49.511.590910.55 ·