Statutory LawsPlease note that only the version of any federal law published in the Federal Law Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt) is regarded as official. The online version of the Federal Law Gazette is available though not user-friendly. Texts of numerous federal can also be found at (supported by the Federal Government). Texts of lawsTrademark lawPatent lawLaw on competition- Act against Unfair Competition (Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb, UWG)
- Subsidiary regulations (Annotation: the Act on Discounts and the Regulation governing Free Gifts with Sales have been repealed):
- Act on Discounts (Rabattgesetz) - repealed
- Regulation governing Free Gifts with Sales (Zugabeverordnung) – repealed
- Price Indication Act (Preisangabenverordnung)
- Act on Actions for an Injunction (Unterlassungsklagengesetz, UKIG)
- Law on Advertising in the Healthcare System (Heilmittelwerbegesetz, HWG)
- Food and Commodities Act (Lebensmittel und Bedarfsgegenstädegesetz, LMBG)
Media law- Teleservices Act (Teledienstegesetz, TDG)
- Government Contract for Media Services (Tediendienstestaatsvertrag, MdStV)
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